Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tough Mudder - 2011

Riley, his dad, brother, brother-in-laws, and friends competed in the Tough Mudder a few weeks ago. The Tough Mudder is a 10 - 12 mile running race with obstacles. Riley said that there were about 20 obstacles, but the biggest obstacle was the extreme cold. It was only about 35 degrees outside and he was getting in and out of cold water and crawling through mud. Everyone completed the race and there were no significant injuries. Everyone said that they had fun, but would probably not do it again... so whatever that means!

This is Riley getting ready to leave in the morning...

... and this is Riley coming back home when it was over. He headed straight for a hot shower, and I headed straight to the laundry room! He did good and never complained about being sore afterwards!

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