Saturday, April 24, 2010

Little Helpers

I was sick one day this past week, so Riley had the boys on his own. Below are a couple pictures of them helping him clean up after dinner. Now he knows why I kick everyone out of the kitchen when it is time to clean up!

30 Weeks!!!

Easton has been really sweet this pregnancy. He likes to give my belly hugs and kisses and ask me how the baby is doing. At lunch today I called Brady 'the baby' and Easton said, "Brady is a toddler, the baby is in your tummy." I guess he is right!

Time Out For Women - 2010

One of the Gibb family traditions is Loni taking all of the girls to Time Out For Women each year. We went a few weeks ago and had a fun time. Baby Dax even came along for the ride!
Melanie, Shayla, Dax, Loni, Jessica, Emily

I had the pleasure of riding with Melanie in her new car. This picture was taken after hours of highway driving, having the temporary license plates stolen off of her car, and navigating downtown Indianapolis during rush hour. Good times!

Walking and Biking

Easton is doing really well on his bike, so we have been taking lots of bike rides. Looks like a cute little family, huh? Two boys, a dog, and a pregnant mom! (Dad was taking the pictures.)


Brady is at the age where he is saying new words all of the time. His favorite and most clearly spoken word right now is, "outside." This is always followed up with him running to the backdoor and getting his shoes. He loves playing outside! It has been so nice with the weather getting warm. I have been grabbing a book, sitting in a lawn chair, and letting the boys run! Soooooo much better than being stuck inside watching my house get destroyed and filled with cars and blocks. Below are several pictures of Easton and Brady enjoying the outdoors.

Brady eating dirt... don't let his face fool you. I don't know how many times I have caught him with a mouthful of dirt. I guess he likes it!

Easton being just like grandpa.

I don't know what it is about this corner of our yard, but the boys end up playing and digging there every time we go outside.