Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"No Power"

Sunday afternoon the remnants of Hurricane Ike blew through Cincinnati. We had a windstorm for about 3 hours with gusts up to 60 mph. It did enough damage to the city that we were left with no electricity until Tuesday evening around 10pm. We were able to keep our food semi-cold with ice and our neighbors hooking our refrigerator up to their generator for a few hours each day. We used our grill to cook with and even heated Easton some ravioli up using the pan to Riley's boy scout mess kit! In the evenings we watched "The Office" on DVD with the laptop.

Easton pretty much took the blackout instride, but he did like to have his own flashlight and wouldn't drink milk the whole time because he only likes it warmed up in the microwave. He was also pretty bummed that he could not watch cartoons in the morning. (Which he usually likes to do while drinking his milk after he wakes up each day.) By the second morning he just said, "Cartoons? Nooo .. no power."

It is hard to see because we didn't use the flash on our camera, but this is Easton standing in front of the candles that was used for light in the morning and evenings.

1 comment:

The Asays said...

Poor Easton! He needs some cartoons on DVD so that he can more fully enjoy the next power outage! Glad you are safe!