Friday, August 8, 2008

Cincinnati Zoo

We finally made it to check out the Cincinnati Zoo. Since we have lived here we have heard that it is really nice. Easton had a great time and loved seeing all of the animals!

Easton measuring his wingspan...
Melanie, Riley, and Easton...Easton was too busy looking at the animals to turn around for a picture!

1 comment:

TotallyContent said...

Hey Jen Lykins here, don't know if you and Riley remember Kaman and I from Purdue. Loni told me about your blog, your little boy is so cute. That just can't me Melanie in that picture with Riley, she just can't be that old. I used to teach here in primary (CTR 7) - she used to bring her Minnie Mouse to class and put it under her chair every week. Man do I feel old now. Jessica, tell your brother Joe that we have a blog, he and Kaman were real close during our Purdue days, actually we still tell Joe stories all the time - and tell your parents we say hi!!