Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve - Morning

On Christmas Eve morning we went over to my parents for breakfast, so Riley could put together my parent's surprise for the boys. My mom likes making breakfast, so we all got a good meal!

My dad has always had a tradition of cleaning the barn really good on Christmas Eve. Now that we have moved back to Indiana we are able to make this a Christmas tradition for our family as well. As you can probably tell from the pictures Brady did the most work of anyone!

After the barn was clean, we got out the 4-wheeler and went sledding. Easton is getting old enough that he really enjoyed it. He also thought that this was how Santa's reindeer pulled his sleigh.

My parent's got the boys bunk beds for Christmas. They were really excited and Easton climbed right up to his bunk! They have slept in them two nights so far and they seem to like them. It is hard to believe that they are big enough to be sleeping in bunk beds, though!

This is a picture of Jaylee opening up her first Christmas present.

The boys took their first nap in their new beds on Christmas Eve.

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