Friday, October 31, 2008

Brady Max

Brady Max Gibb
was born on October 31st, 2008 at 10:37am
he weighed in at 9lbs 8oz and was officially 20.5"
(his length is under protest because Grandma Hayman measured him at 21.5")
Mom and Baby are both Happy and Healthy
9lb 8oz

proud parents

look at all of my hair

lookin good in my baby beanie

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blowing out birthday candles

Easton's New Football

Unfortunately Purdue is awful this year, but Easton still seems to think that they are pretty cool.

It's My Birthday

Easton's 2nd birthday was filled with all of his favorite things!

Eating Pancakes - Favorite Breakfast

Trick-or-Treating at Meijer - Favorite Store

Eating Chinese - Favorite Restaurant

Opening Presents!

Playing Games at Autumn Fest - One of our favorite activities is to enjoy all of the free activities and festivals that our community offers.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Costume!!!

You guessed it! Easton will be a football player for Halloween this year!

Easton's First Halloween Party

I recently joined the local MOM's Club and we had a Halloween party today...
Easton checking out his Trick-or-Treating loot.

Easton eating a cupcake that he decorated all by himself. I think cupcakes are his favorite treat!

Easton at the craft table where he decorated a Trick-or-Treat bag and a little pumpkin.

This is Easton and his best friend Owen. These two have been playing together for about a year and a half now. They are really cute together and have really similar personalities, so there are never really any fights. (Except when trying to share trains!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Random Shots from the Past Week

Easton and Riley caught a Prayingmantis in our yard and brought it in for a pet! They also had fun catching smaller bugs for it to eat. He stayed with us for about 3 days and then we released him back into the wild.

While Easton and I were in Indiana he had his first trip to the Urgent Care. While playing outside some dogs knocked him over and he was unable to walk on his right leg! He went to the Urgent Care and after some X-rays and a check of his tendons the doctor decided that he had a sprain. Easton limped around for a few days and seems to be fully healed now. This is a picture of Easton reading a Get Well Card that he got in the mail from his Aunt Melanie.

Me at my baby shower.

Easton wearing his new Calgary Flames hockey sweater.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Birthday Party!!!

Easton turns 2 years old in just a few weeks! Since his birthday is so close to when the baby is due we had an early birthday party for him today. He invited four of his friends over to play, have snacks, and eat birthday cake. Easton really enjoyed his party and insisted on wearing his 'party' shirt!

Easton showing off his football cake. Daddy did a great job picking it out for him!

blowing out the candles

He did it! (with some help from mommy)

...and of course, eating his cake

Opening Presents

Easton received a lot of great presents from his friends at his party. I was impressed with how well he did opening the presents. He seemed to know what he was doing and was excited with all of his gifts.

Friends at a Birthday Party

Easton was very excited to have friends over to celebrate his birthday. Whenever we told him that he had friends coming over today he went to the door and yelled, "Friends!"

Pumpkin Patch and Hayride

While Riley was in Canada, Easton and I stayed with my parents in Indiana. One day we went with his Aunt Sara and Cousin Emmie on a hayride and to pick pumpkins. They had a lot of fun together and found some great pumpkins.

Canada Mountains


Great Grandpa Gibb's Funeral

Great Grandpa Wayne died on Sunday Sept. 28. He was 92 years old.
Dad was a pall bearer at the funeral in Canada.

Uncles Dennis, Rod, Mike, and Jeff
with Papa and Great Grandma Gibb

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Random Shots from the Past Week

My new glasses! After 8 years I finally decided that I needed a new pair of glasses for night and when I am not wearing my contacts.

Riley babysitting... Easton was eating powdered sugar by the handfuls!

We had an art show at our church over the weekend. At first I thought I had nothing to display and then I remembered my awesome dishcloths that Riley's grandma taught me how to make. I was pretty impressed with myself when I saw them sitting on the display table. In case you cannot read the name card I titled them... 'Grandma's Car Ride Dishcloths'